1 Nation Under God

That’s Our Pledge of Allegiance to Our Flag

“One Nation Under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL.” Under God was added to the pledge in 1954*.  In God We Trust was adopted as the official motto of our country in 1956.

In the 1950s our nation was recuperating from a hard-fought war.  Many of the soldiers coming home, including my dad, had witnessed the mercy, grace, and power of God.  Our country was proud to be a Christian Nation.

Our country was founded on a political statement.  Men of FAITH decided to seek an option other than “serving the King of England”.  They wanted to serveThe One True KingThe Lord God Almighty.

Every document they wrote was political!  We escaped the service of the King of England and when he tried to keep us under his reign at a distance, we said, “NO WAY!”

The “separation of Church and State” argument is erroneous – it is a sentence in a letter of Thomas Jefferson to Congress as he ends his presidency.  He was arguing that there should never be federally-required religion.

All the original State constitutions involved a Christian foundation.  What our Founding Fathers did NOT want was a denomination created as the sole Christian faith.  They welcomed Quakers, Puritans, Catholics, etc. THAT was how our Religious Freedom began.

We have eased up, and allowed other religions to exist in America, but you cannot deny that we were founded as, and still are, a Christian nation. 

Because Christians did not want to get political, we have let “the other guy” worship as he chooses. As a result of “being fair to the other guys”, we have let our Christian Faith be ridiculed and abused to the point that we are not allowed to talk about GOD or pray in public.  “They” are offended if we pray, but it’s okay for them to offend us with swearing.

We must be strong enough in our faith to be political and speak out for our Constitution and our God! Grannies, Let Freedom Ring! Bring your family back to God!



*Did you notice that “Under God” was omitted at the Democrat Convention?
