And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

Recently, a dear friend said that she was trying to be thankful. She wanted to start each day with five things for which she is thankful. Before getting out of bed, she tried and tried, but she could think of only one or two things. I exploded with JOY! “WHAT???  You have four grandchildren…and ME!!” That give her giggles, and a BIG “Ah Hah” moment! I’m so glad – now she can get out of bed!

JOY is being able to THANK JESUS for the substantial and subtle blessings!! Since I found The JOY of Jesus, I have proclaimed, “I Always Have A Good Day!” “Really?” “Yes!” The JOY of Jesus is Always with me!

My “Always” statement was put to the test at Christmas time, 2017. Pastor gave each church staff member (I’m the bookkeeper) a daily planner. Oh no, I already have my 2018 Planner!  What am I going to do? I can’t just set it aside – it’s from Pastor!! Holy Spirit gave me a knowing – It’s a Praise Journal!! I can do that!  Thank you Holy Spirit!!

I began January 1st making a bullet point for each “Praise You, Lord” item that I recalled for that day. I couldn’t believe it! I even gave a speech about it at Toastmasters that summer. I had not missed a day! Every day I had at least TWO items!! I was so excited!  Some days I ran out of room!! I had so much fun with it during 2018, I bought a larger planner for 2019!!

How is that working for me?? I’m still going strong in my 2020 book!! It is exciting to realize all the many ways that God shows His Love!! I no longer use the words “lucky” and “coincidence” – IT’S GOD!!

It was GOD the shopping day when my wrong decisions should have caused a traffic accident – 3 times! Or…the day I was stuck in the snow at a busy intersection, and two young men got out of their truck and pushed me to safety! Or…when our water softener was leaking and Amazon said it would be 7 to 10 days for the parts to arrive, but they arrived in 2!

THANK GOD for HIS tangible and intangible gifts!! Don’t take anything for granted – Good or Bad. Jesus will make it work for good — Always!

HE restores our faith!  HE brings us JOY! PRAISE HIM in writing!
