From Life to Life

2 Corinthians 2:16b  (NRSV)…to the other a fragrance from life to life.

A new perspective is “pay it forward”.
Grannies have always known that the way to live is to pay it forward. From Grannie to grandchild (and other family members).

At Grandma Birdie’s we always prayed at our Thanksgiving meal. As I grew to second grade or so, she would have me sing. We called it “The Thanksgiving Song” – “We gather together to ask the Lord’s Blessings               He chastens and hastens His will to make known…”

A meal at Grandma Chloe’s was always opened with a prayer Usually by Grandpa. At special occasions such as Easter or Christmas, Everyone around the large table would sing “The Doxology” —                “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!               Praise Him all creatures here below!…”  For Thanksgiving, Grandma would ask us to sing “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”                “Come, ye thankful people, come!                Raise the song of harvest home!…” 

Although we never prayed over a meal at home, I knew it was important to do so – because Grandma said. We always respected Grandma. 
I don’t even remember why, but for my 9th birthday I asked for a Bible. I remember my mother asking if I was sure about that. I still have that King James Version, with the maps and the colorful reprints of famous paintings. It reminds me of my Grannies, and how they taught me… Jesus Loves Me.  Give Thanks to God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Ghost.   

Grannies pay it forward by gently breathing whispers of life
                                         (Love’s flower petals)  into the next life, and the next, and the next…

Hear the Testimony of Michelle Wise…

Testimony Salvation and healing from fibromyalgia