The One Who Sees Me

The One Who Sees Me

Then Sarai mistreated Hagar; so [Hagar] fled. The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; The angel of the Lord also said to her…“you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael,for the Lord has heard of your misery. She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seenthe One who sees me.” Genesis 16: 6, 7, 11, 13 (NIV)

Grannies, remember when “they” said, someday we’ll have telephones with cameras so when you call someone you can SEE them! Never, we thought!

Remember the big wooden box telephone on the wall. Our Grannies would wind the crank, call the operator by name, and ask her to “connect me to…”

Then came phones with a dial – dial a number to reach your party – but it WAS a party – a party line shared with two or three other families – you had to wait your turn!  People would pay more money for a “private line”. Back then there was extra cost for “long distance”.

Grannies, you could get some big, wide eyes as you tell your stories of our “ancient” telephones. It’s amazing how close we are NOW, even though we’re far away.

That’s how it is with Jesus. HE is close to us, IN us, when we accept Him as our Savior, and yet he is far away – sitting at the right of The Throne of Father God.

With Jesus there is no waiting – it takes just a whisper of HIS Name. We always have a private line – it’s “just the two of us”– but it’s also a party – there is peace and JOY when we “connect” with Jesus.  It’s never long distance – HE is IN us, when we invite HIM in. It’s FREE.  Jesus paid the price for us. Now we repent and ask HIM to be our Savior, our friend.

Our lives right now, April 2020, are nothing but phones with cameras. With our computers or smart phones, we see and speak with our work and school, our friends and family – denied personal contact by “Government Orders” during this Covid 19 Pandemic.

It can be a challenge for our families.  Take the lead, Grannies! Our families have different dynamics, especially in situations involving hospitalized or infirmed members.  There now is no physical outreach – no hugging, kissing, or snuggling. Oh! How we long for a personal touch!!  After all, God made us to be touching, embracing, loving people – as HE is. HE sees us – HE knows everything about us – HE loves us. HE will embrace us, if we receive it.  HE will help us through this.

Listen for HIS voice.  We don’t need the internet for that.

Hear Michelle’s esperience of hearing HIS voice…

Testimony Salvation and healing from fibromyalgia
