Blessings Inside

Many times when I start talking about Jesus, I think to myself, “now where did that come from?”  I have listened to many Bible Teachers and Pastors over the years. I’ve read many devotionals. I’m sure that what I have burning in my heart to talk about is a potpourri of these distinguished teachings and writings.

I encourage you to search for resources that touch you. I’ve been with Joyce Meyer since 2003, but others have come and gone. I think that’s okay.  I’ve learned, I’ve grown, I’m excited by “different voices”.

My goal is to encourage you to experience and enjoy The JOY of Jesus – J-O-Y = Jesus Only YOU! So many folks can say it better than I.  Let Our Lord guide you to those who will help you get closer to HIM.

In this time of Covid 19 pandemic, I know a need exists for “the right way to say it”. My favorite speakers are “hitting the mark” for me, but this, the excerpt below, I enjoyed re-reading, seeing the words, holding them close.

“Dear friend, God may send you some valuable gifts wrapped in unattractive paper.  But do not worry about the wrappings, for you can be sure that inside He has hidden treasures of love, kindness, and wisdom.  If we will simply take what He sends and trust Him for the blessings inside, we will learn the meaning of the secrets of His providence, even in times of darkness.” A.B. Simpson.

“A person who has Christ as his Master is the master of every circumstance.  Are your circumstances pressing in on you?  Do not push away, for they are the Potter’s hands.  And you will learn to master them not by stopping their progress but by enduring their discipline.  Your circumstances are not only shaping you into a vessel of beauty and honor but also providing you with resources of great value.” 

Streams in the Desert Devotional, L.B.Cowman, 1997, May 6, pages 183-184

God Bless You, Lynne \./ 5-8-20