Vote For God!
I CAN NO LONGER HOLD BACK! I’m tired of “keeping quiet” in order not to offend those who do not believe. I WAS like that twenty years ago. I know it’s uncomfortable when someone starts “talking GOD”. Those non-believers have gone too far. They can swear and I’m supposed to accept it, but they don’t want me to pray! NO MORE SILENCE! I’M SPEAKING OUT!! I’M PROUD TO PROCLAIM — I VOTE FOR GOD! In the current election, I vote for those closest to love of GOD, closest to love of Country and closest to protecting Life — ALL LIFE — even the tiniest of souls. To answer all of those of you who would say “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump”, folks, listen up! I’m not just voting for him… I’m voting for the second Amendment. I’m voting for the next supreme court justice. I’m voting for