The question to the group of women at the conference was

“Who is as close to JESUS as you can be?”

Mine was the only hand raised.

The questioner said, “Lynne, we may want to chat about that.”

I was given no opportunity to explain – not even following the meeting.

                                          I’ll tell YOU!

This moment, I am as close to JESUS as I possibly can be.

HE will let me know when I can get closer; It’s all up to HIM.

It’s been that way all my life.

We spend a little time together, then I “back off”.

HE taps me on the shoulder, “It’s time to get together”.

I enjoy HIM for a while, but then I “back off”.

JESUS reveals to me just what HE wants me to know.

NOW days, I’m eagerly “on the lookout” for more!

You see, if HE had shown me back when we had no real relationship,

all the stuff that I know now, I would have thrown it all away.

Now, no matter how big or how small, I take it into my heart with JOY!

I know that someday I’ll be Closer; I’ll ask the BIG question, “JESUS, may I hug YOU?”,

HE will open His arms!  It’s all up to HIM.

Sound good to you?  Let me know.