Grannie Power-Video
Use Yours For Jesus Speak out for JESUS with your family. Together we can rebuild a strong moral fiber for our country… with happier children and grandchildren
Use Yours For Jesus Speak out for JESUS with your family. Together we can rebuild a strong moral fiber for our country… with happier children and grandchildren
Invite Him Into Your Past “Redeem Your Timeline” is the title of Pastor Troy Brewer’s new book. He was a guest on Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural, in January this year. Pastor Brewer said, “Jesus can help you change the way the past affected you.” JESUS WAS ALREADY THERE!! Jesus said, I am the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:13 To paraphrase Pastor Brewer’s message: We can invite the manifest presence of God into our past timeline – our past events that torture us now with guilt, shame, and regret. Whenever Christ redeems, He changes a curse into a blessing, dead things into live things, where there was shame there can be honor. The Messiah builds an amazing relationship with us. Jesus says, quoting Pastor Brewer: “Now for every place in your life that looks like hell, I want it to look like heaven.” HE WAS THERE! I JUST
that God Loves Me? Knowing Jesus brought light into my life, because Jesus IS light. HIS Holy Spirit is with me 24/7. I can talk to HIM whenever I want. HE is “here” for me! Our God is a Living God and a Loving God. The more you know HIM, the more of HIS love that you feel When you ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, HE comes to live in you. 03/03/2021
You’ll Find The Answer Change really is progress – it’s always with us. Currently, we are heavily involved in the change known as Covid. Along with Covid, I encountered a lot of self-inflicted change last year. The year began for me with a new FitBit – it didn’t work like the previous model – I had to look in the book. The book told me I’d find the answers on the website! Not Fun for me! Later on, Thomas The Big Guy (spouse) gave me his iPhone 5. It couldn’t handle the apps that I wanted to try so I bought an iPhone SE, Second Gen Now I need a Third Generation – a Grandchild – to help me use it! Again, the book is on their website; a friend suggested that I call Apple. After a more than two hour, I’ve made little progress. I have somehow created a
Believe! I cried! I was so very sad. My shoulders slumped. I sank into my chair, put my elbows on the table, and cried. My hope was drained. It was January 19. The Democrats had stolen the Presidency from us – from ME! Corruption was evident; many “whistle blowers” had come forward; the court denied a hearing; the Republican swampites refused to reject the Electoral College vote; Biden’s Bullies had created catastrophe for my country! I lamented; my hero, President Trump, had been creatively violated, disrespected, and sent home! And then…I heard in my heart…”I’VE GOT THIS!” Those two seconds, those three words, came over me with a loving blanket of peace. I lifted my head; I sat up straight; I lifted my arms to Father God in Praise! YES, LORD!! YES!! THANK YOU, LORD GOD!! THANK YOU!! How could I have let doubt creep into my soul? HE is
Covid Burnout — Pandemic Fatigue A recent report on the status of the American emotional climate stated that teens are the “hardest hit” group when it comes to casualties of Covid. They feel trapped. They are vulnerable. Teen suicides are on the rise. Being a teen is tough to begin with, right Grannies and Moms? But our teens are facing a condition for which you and I have no experience. We have to dig deep and search for ways to help our teens through this. My dear Sister in Christ, Michelle (yes, the Toastmaster of “Jesus Speech” fame) gave me a prayer book for teens for Christmas — Every Day I Pray for My Teenager, by Eastman Curtis. I looked at the index, found an entry for “JOY”, (page 41) and immediately knew I was to share it with you. This is a loving prayer for your teen, troubled or not,
From the Inside Out Dr. Jack Graham read a story in his Daystar program on Sunday, January 3, 2021. It presents a memorable perspective of life — relevant to believers and non-believers — of ALL ages. “The Parable of The Concept of God” Subtitled by Dr. Graham “The Word from The Womb” In a mother’s womb were two babies. #1 asked the other, “Do you believe in life after delivery?” #2 “Well of course, there has to be something after delivery; maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what will be later.” #1 “Nonsense! There is no life after delivery! What kind of life would that be?” #2 “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs, and eat with our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand right now.” #1 “That’s absurd! Walking is
Let’s Spread The JOY of JESUS!! Oh God, I am committed to getting others committed to You. What about you, my friends? Are you with me? I’m often heard saying, “A Smile is Contagious! Let me catch yours!” To that I now add, The Love of Our Lord is Contagious!! LOL!! Wipe out the fear of Covid! Spread the JOY of JESUS!! “No life is Christian that is not Christianizing. If there is no outflow, the inflow automatically stops. We must be spiritually creative.” * I share with you, what other sweet sisters and brothers In Christ have shared with me. Truths that I have learned: I am made by God to be creative To win others toThe Joy of Jesus is the highest form of creative activity. Nothing is really mine until I share it with others. I have the desire to share Jesus with family, friends, and strangers. If
How are You? I am fine, but I am also sad. It has been twenty-four days since my last posting. I feel like I have been spinning clockwise down the drain, and yet… You have been with me. I have felt Your comfort, Your peace, Your love, and Your JOY! But in the midst of all this craziness, how can I suggest to others that they feel it too? Our country became violent, abusive, nasty, and warlike as Election Day approached. Now that it’s over, it’s not really over – there was intentional fraud and deceit, supported by illegal activity going back years, involving other countries! Now, this week, Covid is reignited. Reported cases escalate back to former peak numbers! Again, people are hoarding supplies in fear. Movie theaters, restaurants, and stadiums are closed; colleges and high schools cannot hold in person classes; families are being asked to limit attendance
The Truth, Jesus In one week we Americans will elect our next United States President. The FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL urges us to vote fully informed. https://prayvotestand.org Party Platform Guide Trump versus Biden on Issues Trump Accomplishments Voter Guides Voter Registration PRAYER Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Declare that the light of Truth will dispel any darkness and expose the lies. “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5 We declare Lord, that our cities are blessed with an increased awareness of Your Presence and Truth that dispels all darkness. Ps 36:9 Father God, we ask that those who oppose Your heart, Your ways would encounter Jesus. Acts 8 12-13 O God… that
This is a reading of 1 Peter 1:3-9 from ESV. I have adjusted pronouns and eliminated a few phrases. Do you believe in JESUS? Have you asked HIM to be your Lord and Savior? Congratulations!
I miss him so! He passed in 2016 at age 67 – in his curmudgeon stage. We were good buddies on and off through life. When the years between our visits lengthened, the reunion was
My Grandma was a sweet, loving woman with a delightful giggle. She taught me a lot – by example. She always seemed to know when I was “stretching the truth”. She would have a story
Grannies, it is vital to “Speak Jesus” to your family and friends. However, it is also important to demonstrate your faith. The modern term is to be an Influencer! When you might say something against
When someone passes, family and friends will speak about him/her going to Heaven. That may not be true. We know that JESUS said it depends on loving HIM! When we love HIM, Father God will